Monday, January 30, 2006

Fowl play

Lead story, Front page of Ghana's most reputable daily newspaper, The Daily Graphic. Let me just repeat that: LEAD story, FRONT page: The centre of Accra, Ghana's bustling and metropolitan capital city, was brought to a standstill yesterday as hundreds of people flocked to the central marketplace. Spilling out into the streets, they stopped traffic and overwhelmed police efforts at crowd control. Gridlock. The reason for this impromptu congregation? Apparently a rumour had spread that a local 'Kayayoo' (kids who carry people's groceries and luggage in return for tips) had been turned into a chicken. ! . The paper's scientific expert revealed that this had happened by 'some kind of magic'. You couldn't make it up.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh heh. Save a cutting!

However, before we pat ourselves on the back...let's remember the UK press is equally FUCKING INSANE. The newspapers are filled with the tittle-tattle of mundane nonsense.

Lead story in the Evening Standard - let's repeat, LEAD story, LONDON'S Evening Standard - "City Boss' £5m Divorce Battle'. 7 million Londoners, and the best story they're fed that day? Some over-earning misanthrop's domestic squabbling. Last week it was the unfolding drama of a lost fish (meh meh they aren't fish they're Mammals....). I saw the headline 'Thames Whale - The Blame Game'.

Front page of the Guardian on Saturday? 'A Star for our times is born in Elstree' - limp naive-postmodern nonsense about the 'genius' of Celebrity Big Brother. ON THE FRONT PAGE. The Guardian might as well have had 'Sponsored by Endemol' on their mast-head.

There MUST be some form of magic involved when people spend their free time pondering the idiosyncracies of game-show contestants?

1:44 am  
Blogger Jay said...

Curb your sanctimonious editorialising Slimline Panther. At home, I have a collection of equally amusing cuttings from London's own Metro newspaper, poking fun at the foibles of Britains eccentric masses. I am nothing if not even-handed in my mockery of all races and nations. Each is deserving of both respect and ridicule. Where would the world be without the karmic balance of international leg-pulling? If we cannot laugh at our own madness, we are truly lost. Yours sincerely, Jay Scott (President, Xenophobics Anonymous)

9:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your chicken story. 'Hundreds of people flocked...' Ho ho ho. Lol, Dad xxx

11:48 pm  

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